Saturday, 9 March 2013

New beginnings

As you may have noticed, this blog has been "abandoned".

Several months ago I just fell out of favour with the Blogspot platform as it wasn't really conducive to publishing my whisky reviews in the way I always envisioned. At that point I stopped publishing reviews and instead, put my time into developing a new blog on a trusted Open Source blogging platform on my own web space.

I'm happy to announce (to my 3 random viewers) my new WhiskyOz Blog.

I'm pretty stoked with the ability to post time-course reviews in a tabbed format, encode whisky information in purpose-built metadata attributes, work with custom post types etc. all which will enable me to do some Really Cool Stuff (TM) in the not too distant future.

My focus now is to port across the few blog posts I want to keep, get my old reviews and sizable review backlog into my source repository system and then roll them out to the new blog.

Onwards and upwards!